Author Des Birch receives the ePublishing Consortium “Writers Award of Merit”
Beyond Dark Waters by Des Birch
Beyond Dark Waters by Des Birch presents a totally original story precept. The author succeeds in weaving facets of life that all face including fear, misunderstandings, courage and compassion. The main character is transformed into the necessary forms to understand how all of life is connected. It is rare to find a book that can be highly recommended by many. Beyond Dark Waters goes beyond this expectation and should be mandatory reading for all people.
Beyond Dark Waters is hereby recognized for story originality, depth of interwoven plotlines and delivering a significant message during the rights of passage into adulthood. Des Birch has achieved an accomplishment with this book as well as other published works has earned him the ePublishing Consortium Writers Award of Merit
Des Birch was born in Limerick, Eire but moved to England when he was a baby. He moved from Buckinghamshire to Norfolk when he was ten, but attended a private school near Southampton. He has two children whom he has raised on his own since they were ten and eight respectively. He works in engineering but has gained a BSc and a Dip. Pol. Con. with the Open University. He also gained a TEFL diploma with which he spent two years teaching in Spain. Des now lives in Norwich with his wife Julie. He is also the author of The Redemption, The Diary of an Innocent and Different Eyes.